Comentarios en: Dealing With The Loss Just another WordPress site Sat, 03 Jun 2017 09:20:39 +0000 hourly 1 Por: Alban Wed, 26 Mar 2008 06:45:49 +0000 Oh yes, I love playing in the section in the second half, especially pieces I don’t really know so well, like the 3rd Rachmaninov Symphony. In the first evening I was listening to it, and the 2nd and 3rd concert I sat in, getting the piece to know real well 🙂

Thanks again for all the nice words, will write a new blog soon…

Best wishes,


Por: Lauren Mon, 17 Mar 2008 14:53:11 +0000 I had the pleasure of hearing you play this past Friday with the National Symphony Orchestra. I am sure you know this, but your performance was magnificent and outstanding – Prokofiev’s concerto was glorious and awe-inspiring. But I think what I loved the most was seeing you play in the orchestra for the last piece by Rachmaninoff. It was very profound to me seeing a soloist play in the orchestra, taking a backseat to the self and playing for the sheer joy and beauty of the music. Bravo on both performances and I hope you come back to visit DC soon!

Por: Andres Thu, 06 Mar 2008 19:29:28 +0000 Alban,

I found your website yesterday by mere coincidence. I feel sorry for your loss and am sure that having access to the powerful outlet music provides has helped in the healing process.

I also need to tell you how inspiring it’s been for me to read your blogs and visit your website. There are three qualities I associate with your playing and the image you project: genuineness, integrity and depth. It is very refreshing to see them come across even in your website, as those qualities seem to become harder and harder to find these days. All the best to you.

Por: katharina schaake Wed, 05 Mar 2008 19:35:12 +0000 lieber alban,
mein herzliches Beileid zum Tod deiner Mutter. Ich habe in einer alten Gedichtssammlung folgenden Vers gefunden:
Musik ist Leben
Musik bewahrt Leben
Musik ist unendlich
und das Leben in ihr ebenfalls


Por: Alban Tue, 04 Mar 2008 13:26:09 +0000 Thanks for your very beautiful entries, Bob, Stephen, Steve and Betty, very touching indeed – and it might sound “cliché”, but it does give strength to read your encouraging and comforting words. Now I also understand why I had started this whole blog thing (sometimes I was wondering why I am doing it) – it gives me a lot of energy and inspiration back, especially in such difficult and sad times.
Thanks for being there and reading my “diaries”!

Hola Francisco,
si, quiero visitar y dar conciertos en Mexico, el país del esposo de una de mis hermanas – los músicos mexicanos son muy buenos, he jugado una vez con el Orquestra de la Mineria. Espero que puedo volver pronto!
Saludos y

greetings to all,


Por: Alban Tue, 04 Mar 2008 13:19:11 +0000 Liebe Elisabeth,

vielen Dank für Deine Wünsche – all diese lieben Worten haben uns alle stärker gemacht, mit dem Verlust umzugehen. Danke!
Bis bald mal wieder in Berlin,
Dein Alban

Por: Elisabeth Mon, 03 Mar 2008 23:09:59 +0000 Lieber Alban,
habe viel an dich und deine familie gedacht, und schicke dir weiterhin ganz viel kraft und mut nach vorne zu schauen und dich über alle erinnerungen zu freuen. Liebe Grüße von Elisabeth

Por: Stephen Mon, 03 Mar 2008 20:50:21 +0000 Dear Alban,

I was touched by this blog entry. -Yes you always were a pretty “impulsive” person, but, also, one who didn´t flinch away from yourself and stood up for it. I always respected that, as I do now. The loss of a family member is always an incredibly deep and personal loss, and I think you are courageous in sharing this. I am sure it helped ….will help, in the overall grieving process.
…man the prelude to the 6th..that is sooo beautiful and I think if I were a cellist, and in the same situation, I would have chosen this as well. …Like perhaps no other piece, it perhaps approaches the multidude of feelings that one goes through…
What can I say other than there really is nothing to say other than that I send my warmest wishes and I think the way you went about everything, pouring it into music, was wonderful.
Stay strong.

Por: Betty Sekhri Mon, 03 Mar 2008 19:15:23 +0000 Dear Alban,

Yours words and thoughts are beautiful and moved me deeply. You have been through an extraordinary time and had the courage to go on as your dear Mother would have wished. I do think that the week off you had with Janos was exactly what you needed.

The adjustment to life after losing someone near and dear to you is often difficult and painful, but I have found that eventually one accepts the loss and the good memories take over.

I am so looking forward to seeing you in Washington on March 13, Neil will be coming here that weekend and hopes to see you too. Much love…………….Betty

Por: Francisco F. Martin del Campo Mon, 03 Mar 2008 19:07:43 +0000 Halo!
Saludos espero que te encuentres bien ahora. Que algún día te pueda escuchar en vivo por mi país México.
